
C#: Detect Windows OS Version Info

Friday, March 29, 2013

Currently, several versions of Windows OS are available in the market from Windows XP to latest Windows 8. For one my application, I was looking for a way to determine the OS version of the installed Windows at my workstation using C#. I have googled for the answer but no answer give me a clear idea and full functional way to determine the OS version. So, I find out a way to determine the OS version of Windows in my application using C# and in this tutorial I would like to describe the ways to do that.


Every released windows operating system has a version number.  The version number has two main part formatted as "x.x", first digit is referred as Major Version Number and second digit is referred as Minor Version number.

Cocos2d-x: Coordinate System

Thursday, March 28, 2013

To understand the coordinate system of a game engine is a fundamental topic. In this tutorial I would like to describe the coordinate system of Cocos2d-x. The same concept is also applicable for Cocos2d game engine. You can also visit the Cocos2d-x Official Wiki Page which describes Cocos2d-x coordinate system briefly.

2D World Coordinate System

As cocos2d-x is a 2d game engine, we only use x-axis and y-axis to represent our coordinate system. Again, cocos2d-x uses OpenGL API to draw and manipulate objects. OpenGL use "right handed coordinate system" :

Debug Android NDK Project in Eclipse

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Debugging Android NDK Application in Eclipse is cumbersome. There are some GDB agent to debug Android application there but the best GDB agent is NVidia Debug Manager Plugin from NVidia. To install the NVidia Debug Manager Plugin, at first you need to join in the Tegra Registered Developers Program. To do this go to this page and create an account. Next, a verification and approval process will be gone through. After NVidia approves your account you can download the Tegra Developers Pack.When you install the Tegra Developer pack, it gives you the option to select what you want to install and at this point, you can opt to install just the plugin.

Cocos2dx: Combine iOS and Android Project Files

In the previous two tutorials I have discussed on setting up Cocos2d-x environment for both iOS and Android.  So, now we have two project structure, one for iOS and another fore Android. In this tutorial I will discuss on how to combine this two project and develop the game in Cocos2d-x using the same code base and structure.

Both iOS and Android project source directory consists of C++ files and these files are located under the "Classes" directory. Open the project explorer and you will find this two identical folder.

So, we can use the same files for developing two different game application by linking the files. To do so, open up your SampleGame project in Xcode. Select the Classes group, click Delete, and select “Move to Trash” when the popup appears.

Setting up Cocos2d-x for Android Game Development

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

As cocos2d-x is ported to C++, now you can develop game for both iOS and Android platform. In the previous tutorial I have discussed on how to setting up cocos2d-x game engine in OSX for iOS game development. Now, in this tutorial I will discuss on Android game development using cocos2d-x.

This tutorial asumes that you have a fully functional Android development environment using Eclipse IDE and Android SDK. If you do not, please go through  "Setting up Android Development Environment"  from Android Official Developers Site first, which provides a step by step procedure on setting up a dedicated Android Application Development environment and install various prerequisite softwares.

Setting up Cocos2d-x in Mac OSX for iOS Game Development

Cocos2d-x support multi-platform game development including iOS game developments. In this tutorial I will discuss how to install the Cocos2d-x game engine in your workstation for iOS game development.


  • Mac OSX version 10.6 or upper.
  • XCode 3.2.5+ 

Introduction to Cocos2d-x

Cocos2d is an easy to use and amazing 2d game engine to develop iOS based games. It is free and open source. But as it is written in Objective-c, you can only develop games for iOS and Mac using it. To overcome this issue and support multi-platform game development,  cocos2d-x is developed.